Post by David Agbenigai think if setting the systemtheme and foreground colors are mutually exclusive then the designers will have specified that and then it will apply to all other controls, which obviously is not the case. the specification says setting system theme to true means you are choosing to use the new vista and xp style controls i.e microsoft form controls 6 and setting to false means using classic style, i dont see what this has to do with setting the foreground colorf of text on a control. maybe the designers should weigh in on this.
I am sure the developers will weigh in at some point. I am saying that
it is my understanding that it is working as designed. I have been
working with the product for many years, and have been on the R&D team
in the past (both at Borland, and at the current company ...). Setting
the systemTheme property to TRUE means ignore other settings and use the
system colors ...
/(Opinions expressed are purely my own, not those of dataBased
Intelligence, Inc.)/
*Ken Mayer* [dBVIPS]
/Golden Stag Productions/
dBASE at goldenstag dot net