opened by dBase on start.
database object (database[2]).
it uses the default database.
Post by Bruce BeachamPost by Frank J. Polanopen a BDE alias from Navigator
by selecting it in the Look-In box
Post by Frank J. Polanopen a table from Navigator
by double-clicking on it.
by closing the browse window.
Post by Frank J. PolanIn command window type "Close Databases"
I get a MAV every time - anyone else see it
I too can confirm this in b.2083.
This is veerrry interesting to me. The window that opens when the
table name is double-clicked is not a normal browse window because it
is not using a table in the active area. (When the table window is
open, type DISP STAT in the command window: there are no open
tables). So when the table window is closed, quite possibly there
is some residue of the query still in existence. So perhaps when an
attempt is made to close the database, PLUS references some aspect of
the query and trips up on something.
The reason this is so interesting to me is that I have a bug that goes
back several years that relates to the closure of databases and which
I have been unable to reduce to a turnkey; I believe my case relates
to queries that have not been closed, despite my best efforts,
particularly in the context of several datamodules opened on one
database alias (each datamodule with its own database object). In my
case it is an OOP issue, not an XDML code issue.
So I believe that somewhere there is a bigger background problem, and
Frank may well have hit on a reliable simple was of diagnosing it.
So, Kathy, please add a Me Too.
Thanks, Frank.
Bruce Beacham